Ten of us set off on this glorious walk which took us through Shere heath, winterfold woods, Albury heath and other beautiful views along the Greensand and Fox Ways!
A special thanks to Gordon who stepped in to lead the walk at short notice! Having never pre-walked it, we thought disaster might strike but alas, we should have had more confidence in our abilities as it was a very successful walk. We didn’t get lost once, nor did anybody die- all signs of a walk well led!
The sun shined all day and even though a few screams could be heard occasionally- no, not because we torture the Surrey members- but because of copious amounts of mud under foot causing a few of us to slip, we all thoroughly enjoyed this 9 and 3/4 mile trek.
Arriving back safely, we all enjoyed coffee and tea together in the autumnal sun. And indulged in a few sweet treats- Thanks to Tristan for his delicious bake and Gordon for his tasty stollen cake. And an even bigger thanks to Bill who supplied us with tables and mugs and a kettle! Everybody pulled together!