Request for Proposals: GOC brand & website design refresh

Do you have the expertise to support GOC as a consultant in refreshing its branding and website design, or do you know someone who might?

Please submit proposals by Monday 8 May, or raise any questions, by email to [email protected].

Why a brand & website design refresh?

To support the club’s efforts to grow the membership and improve diversity and inclusion by:

  • making the website more attractive and user friendly, particularly to younger people, women and LBTQ+ as well as existing members
  • providing the design basis for additional online & print marketing materials such as an email newsletter template, a 50th anniversary logo, beer mats, posters, magazine ads
  • articulating the club’s identity, vision & values as the basis of the design refresh and to serve also as the basis of a new strategic plan for the club.

For context, see About us, Inclusion and Diversity and GOC website & IT user feedback survey – your responses and our next steps.

Proposed scope of work

  • consultation with Board, Group Co-ordinators and/or members at large, by means of survey and/or online session, to help the consultants understand GOC and it’s aims and to inform their design
  • provision of brand & style guide for use across the GOC website, online & print materials – all based on the current GOC flag logo, and including brand colours, fonts, images, icons/symbols and/or other design elements
  • application to the redesign of the website, to be implemented with support of GOC's website developer
  • application to additional online & print marketing materials such as an email newsletter template, a 50th anniversary logo, beer mats, posters, magazine ads.

Anticipated timeline

  • April – invite proposals
  • May/June – shortlist & contract; consultation, draft brand & style guide
  • June/July – finalise brand & style guide, online & print material designs, website design
  • July/August – implementation & launch of website design.

Budget & shortlisting

Maximum total budget £10,000.  Short-listing will take into account value for money as well as experience and expertise for the role and how well proposals have addressed the proposed aims, scope of work and timeline.

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