Governance & Committee members


The club is legally a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Registered Charity, it is governed by two documents:

  • The Articles of Association (updated 2023) which define how the club is run.
  • Code of Conduct which all members or guests participating in any activity within GOC are required to abide by

Recent Annual Reports & Accounts are available at Annual Reports & Accounts.

We also provide guidelines for members who are organising anything for GOC in our Information page.


The groups which make up GOC organise all of the events, each one has a person who co-ordinates their events and acts as a contact for the group. To find out more about any group and how to contact them, look under our Groups page.

Click on the role title to read see role description:

Committee (Board)

The club has up to 12 Trustees, who are referred to as the committee – see Board Member role description. They are assisted by a number of other members who together manage the club nationally. To contact members of the Committee go to Contact Us. Please contact Jim Cornwell (Chair) to get involved.

Click on the role title to see the particular role description. Members can click on the name to see the member’s profile:


  1. Chairperson: Jim Cornwell [vacant from August 2025] – Represents the club and deals with all aspects of club policy, publicity, insurance and safety
  2. Group Liaison: Richard Smith – contact for GOC Group Coordinators
  3. Web & IT Manager: Martin Gilbraith – Manages the website and IT resources of the club with the support of our Web Developer, Owen Morris
  4. Secretary: Robert Davies – Deals with all general correspondence.
  5. Treasurer: Ian Widdowson – Manages the club’s finances including membership payments and expense claims.
  6. Women’s Representative: Al Evans – Promotes the participation of women in the activities of the club.
  7. Membership Secretary: Chris Ng – Manages membership subscriptions and magazine delivery problems.
  8. Inclusion and Diversity Officer: Gabby Giuffre – Responsible for promoting Inclusion and Diversity.
  9. Marketing Officer: Edward (Ned) Voelcker [vacant from August 2025] – Chairs Marketing committee.
  10. Partnership Officer: Shaun Waller – manages relationships with GOC associated clubs and others and promotes & supports partnership working across the club
  11. National Events Officer [vacant] – Group Co-ordinator for the AOG specialist group, providing strategic oversight and support for all involved in the organising the AOG from year to year.

Assistants to the Committee

  1. Archivist: Simon Ball – Maintains the club’s archive of magazines, articles and photos.
  2. Magazine Cover Designer: Peter Van Der Walt – designs the outside and inside covers of GOC’s magazine, Outdoors.
  3. Magazine Editor: Peter Blackburn – Edits GOC’s magazine, Outdoors, dealing with all articles and event reports
  4. Magazine Proof Reader: Alexander Barr – Proof reads the magazine prior to printing.
  5. Membership Engagement Officer: David Millar – engages with the membership regularly, encourages and supports members to engage with each other and take up volunteer roles with the club
  6. Returning OfficerDavid White – Organises the ballot at a general meeting.

Marketing Committee

Terms of reference approved by the Board, October 2022.

The marketing committee comprises up to 12 members, including at least one Committee member and one Group Co-ordinatator. It’s role is to create and implement a realistic annual marketing plan and budget approved by the Board – see MC Terms of Reference.

Members can click on the the name to see the member’s profile:

  1. Edward (Ned) Voelcker (Marketing Officer)
  2. Martin Gilbraith (Web Manager & Online Group Co-ordinator)
  3. David Millar
  4. [vacancies] please contact Edward (Ned) Voelcker to get involved.

Website User Group

Terms of reference approved by the Board, October 2022

The Website User Group supports the Website & IT manager in consulting with members/users and supporting them in using the website & IT, and by advising on and supporting delivery of website & IT updates & development projects. It comprises 6-12 members with a diversity of experience and perspectives and meets only occasionally as needed.

Members can click on the the name to see the member’s profile:

  1. Julian Donald – former Board Groups Liaison officer
  2. Al Evans – West Wales Group Co-ordinator
  3. Andy Fisher – London Group Co-ordinator
  4. Geoff Millner
  5. Bill Pilcher – Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North Somerset Group Co-ordinator
  6. Chris Thomas – Western Midlands Group Co-ordinator
  7. David Willis – Norfolk Group Co-ordinator
  8. [vacancies] please contact Martin Gilbraith (Web Manager) to get involved.

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