Comments from the Chair

With Christmas approaching and the Club moving towards its 50th Anniversary year, may I take this opportunity to wish all our members every happiness for the festive season.

In October, the Gay Outdoor Club board held a meeting at the University of Northampton. The location was selected so we could look at the facilities being offered for our Annual Outdoor Gathering in 2024. Both Aaron Speed and Martyn Cook are working hard to ensure it will be a great success.

As part of the 50th Anniversary celebrations, the board approved a self-identifying concessionary rate for attending the AOG in 2024. So those on low wages, students, recipients of universal credit, those who receive pension credit together with anyone struggling financially, can apply under the scheme 'Pay What You Can'

The board also approved, as part of the celebrations, this concessionary rate for renewal of website membership for 2024, under the same criteria. This decision was taken after careful consideration and being mindful that personal finances are currently being stretched.

I am delighted to hear that Group Co-Ordinators are planning their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Mine will start on Sunday 31st December at the top of Glastonbury Tor, when I will be joining the Somerset Group.

Our Secretary, Alex Barr has been busy completing the Club's revised Articles of Association to reflect the agreed wording in the Objects section. He has also reviewed and updated our Health & Safety Policy. A big ‘Thank You’ to him for all the hard work he has undertaken. In the meantime, please keep a look out for the Club's redesign website refresh, which is almost complete.

And finally, another appeal. The board has several vacancies. We need members to consider taking up these positions. If you have the time, and are willing to offer your services to the Club, we would love to hear from you.

All the best!

Jim Cornwell, GOC Chair

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