Comments from the Chair

I wish all our members season’s greetings, and a happy New Year.

As chair of the club, I am delighted to have had the privilege of seeing us through a Special Year – marking our 50th Anniversary. With 2024 coming to a close, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our committee members, group coordinators and members of the club, who have excelled in providing an exciting programme of events throughout the year. GOC has also seen membership grow, with additional groups formed, committee vacancies filled and a variety of interesting events to keep our members happy.

At the end of AGM in Northampton, I said the following: “ I am not the club, the committee aren’t the club; you the members make it what it is”.  So be proud and carry on the good work. It is your involvement, support and commitment that make it happen. Just turning up at a walk can make all the difference.

It has been a busy year for me. I have walked with eight different local groups, attended four pride day events, chaired four board meetings including our AGM, plus LGBT History seminar and even climbed Glastonbury Tor!

The club has seen its members performing amazing things. I’m still in awe of David Stockwell walking from John O’Groats to Land’s End. What an achievement! I’m also delighted to see lots of social events taking place. From summer tea parties, social evenings, visits to theatres, gardens, and museums plus river cruises. Once again, events abroad have proved very popular, especially seeing the number who gathered recently in Sitges, Spain. So well done everyone!

At the end of 2025 I will be a few days away from my 80th birthday. Although I have thoroughly enjoyed being chair of the club, I will be stepping down. So if you feel you would like to take it on – take up the challenge!  Lots of love to you all!

Jim Cornwell, GOC Chair

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