Use of Funds

The club has a number of sources of funds and as a charity we keep some of them for specific purposes. For instance our charitable income is not used for the general running costs of the club.

Our sources of income and their use are:

General Funds

Source: Membership Fees; Advertising in Outdoors; Interest

Usage: Magazine; Website running costs; Administration; Affiliation Fees; Insurance; Bank Charges


Where there is a charge for an event (e.g. a hostel weekend), the club aims to break even. Any surplus or deficit goes to the general funds.

Charitable Funds

Source: Gift Aid; Donations; Legacies; Grants


  • Promoting the club and its aims (i.e. all types of publicity)
  • One-off developments such as the website

As those funds grow, we also plan to use them for:

  • Providing training for volunteers
  • Making events accessible to those who could not otherwise participate
  • Making membership available to those who could not otherwise afford it

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