Thirteen of us turned out to enjoy some unaccustomed April sunshine on a nine mile walk in the South Downs, ably led by Philip. Starting in Alfriston, the short muddy sections beside the Cuckmere early in the walk were forgiven, if not quite forgotten, by the end. After leaving the Cuckmere we headed for the safety of higher, drier terrain, skirting the Rathfinny wine estate before crossing the South Downs Way at Bostal Hill, then heading down to Berwick, where the Bloomsbury Group murals in the church provided something of a talking point, with more of an appeal, at least to some of our group, than the more traditional style of wall decoration to be found in English country churches.
Finally, we enjoyed our tea and cake just outside the outfield of the Alfriston cricket ground, where a cricket match was in progress. Sadly, we had no new recruits from among the cricketers on this occasion.