As the title of this report suggest there was plenty of mud on our walk on Sunday. A week of pretty much constant rain before our walk left the footpaths sodden, slippery and often deep in mud. What a challenge! but everyone took it in their stride and the heightened awareness of an impending mud bath kept us all on our toes! We had one minor incident when Andy had a fall but not a mud bath! A couple of plasters repaired the damage. The weather was also in our favour and the sun shone throughout the day.
This was a walk that despite my best endeavours did not go as originally planned. The Red Lion pub was to host us for lunch but had to cancel because of gas leaks in their kitchen. Packed lunches then became the order of the day and we were fortunate to find a dry spot for our picnic lunch. I had also planned to eat any remains of our lunches and to have a drink on tables outside the pub. But it had, unannounced, closed its doors entirely and so we put plan C into operation. Tea and cake at NT Basildon Park just down the road and which had the additional benefit of a short stroll round the grounds.
To all those who attended it was lovely to see you all and a warm welcome to those new members who joined us for the walk. We hope to see you again.