Glamorgan Heritage Coast – Arfordir Treftadaeth Morgannwg

Ian led the group on its annual jaunt along the heritage coast.  We had beautiful weather and a crowd turned out to enjoy the sites of this spectacular coastline.  We learnt a bit about the history of St Donat’s Castle, stopped for Welsh Cakes and tea at Nash Point and some of the group were brave enough to go for a dip in the sea.  After the peace of the coastline, the busy car park at Southerndown was a shock.  But the refreshment at the Farmer’s  Arms, St Bride’s was a relief.

Arweiniodd Ian y grŵp ar ein taith flynyddol ar hyd yr arfordir treftadaeth.  Roedd y tywydd yn fendigedig a daith twr o aelodau i fwynhau'r golygfeydd ar hyd y daith hon.  Cawsom ychydig o hanes Castell Sain Dunwyd, pice ar y maen a phaned ger Nash Point ac aeth y rhai dewr i’r ‘drochi yn y môr.  Yn dilyn llonyddwch yr arfordir, roedd maes parcio prysur Southerndown yn ysgytwad.  Ond bu’n bosib torri syched yn y Farmer’s Arms, Saint y brid.

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