Twelve humans and one very lively black Labrador met in the delightful village of West Hoathly in unseasonably hot weather for our September walk.
Our walk took us past the site of a recent festival into welcome shade on the High Weald Landscape Trail to our elevenses/early lunch stop at the churchyard at Highbrook.
In the afternoon, thankfully now with a little more breeze, after taking in some classic Weald landscapes of woodland and meadows, we crossed the Bluebell Line with an excellent view of one of its steam trains in action. (Thanks to Alex for the inside information about the timetable.)
Picking up the Sussex Border Path to Sharpthorne, nine of us repaired to the excellent Fox at West Hoathly which provided us with some very welcome roast lunches (and some more vegetarian-friendly options) as well as an eclectic music selection that appeared to have been tailored especially for the demographic of our group.