I am pleased to report that Richard Smith, a long-term member of GOC and a member of our climbing group, has stepped forward with a view to taking on the role of Group Liaison Officer. If all goes to plan, Richard will be formally co-opted onto the board at its April meeting and will subsequently offer himself for election at the AGM. On behalf of the other trustees, I would like to welcome him onboard.
We have also received an ‘expression of interest’ in the post of treasurer, although we do not yet have anything definite to report. Unfortunately, there has been no such expression of interest in the crucial post of membership secretary, which remains unfilled.
In addition, the club is seeking members to fill two other roles. The first is that of Partnership Officer, who would seek to optimise and develop GOC’s relationship with its associated clubs, and possibly to bring in some new ones.
The second is the post of Membership Engagement Secretary, whose primary responsibility would be to ensure that the club communicates with its members as effectively as possible. This is the post that was briefly held first by Carl Marshall and subsequently by Mark Woollard.
Some members have expressed the view that this is something of a ‘non-job’. Let me assure you this is incorrect! Over recent years, membership organisations in general have come to recognise that effective membership engagement – making members feel part of their particular club or association – is crucial in keeping these bodies healthy and thriving.
In summary, we are still looking for a number of people who would be willing to give some of their time to assist in moving GOC forward. If you are interested in any of the posts mentioned above, or would like to discuss the possibilities further, in the first instance please contact Jim at [email protected] , who will be delighted to hear from you.
See also Getting Involved with Running GOC and current vacancies at Governance & Committee members.
Peter, Editor