Comments from the Chair

A recent development that I have found most encouraging is the way that some of our new Specialist Groups have been welcomed by local groups from up and down the country. In the October edition of OUTdoors, I noted from the programme of events that Gardens (Neil Barry) and History & Culture (David Millar) have taken on the role of joint event promoters with a number of our local groups.

In addition, our On-Line Socials, launched by Martin Gilbraith, continue to be successful, especially the new Welcome Socials which I know are of great benefit to new club members.

It was also great to see the advertisements for our October trip to Mallorca. Much thought and planning has gone into this event, so our thanks goto Peter Impey for organising it.

By the time you read these 'comments', the Club's October board meeting will have taken place. It is a busy time for all our trustees, especially as we are still searching for members willing to take responsibility for Group Liaison and Member Engagement. If you think you might be interested in helping us with either of these important tasks, please contact me at [email protected] .

In addition, after five years in te role, treasurer Roger Sheldon has announced his intention to step down at the AGM in 2024. If you might be interested in taking on this vital role, please contact Roger directly at [email protected] , so that we can arrange an orderly handover. Ideally, we would hope to have someone in place before our April board meeting so that the appointment can be approved by the other trustees.

I'm also pleased to see a number of newsletters circulated by group coordinators with messages about the Club's 50th Anniversary in 2024. This will be a great opportunity for the Club to tell people that we have been going for half a century and to celebrate that amazing achievement. Please let me know what your Group has planned!  Thanks!

Jim Cornwell, GOC Chair

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