Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North Somerset

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Members: 204

From the southern Cotswolds and the forest of Dean across the Wiltshire downs to the Mendip combes. Crossed by the rivers Severn, upper Thames and Bristol Avon, this area includes Bristol, Bath, Gloucester and Swindon. The Kennet & Avon, Wilts & Berks and Cotswold canals all pass through. Picture: The river Avon from Dundas aquaduct.

Our main focus are the monthly walks. These range from roughly 5-10 miles over varying terrain dependant on the time of year and the walk leaders' preference.  Scroll down for future event listings and past event reports.

We aim to walk on the 1st Sunday of each month. Sometimes having joint walks with neighbouring GOC groups, occasional evening and midweek events.

  • Recently joined?     Any questions, feel free to contact the local co-ordinator. (See below) We hope you'll enjoy walking with us, I know you'll be made very welcome.
  • Existing member?     Just turn up. Using the attendee list is not compulsory - but can be helpful.

All members are welcome to lead a walk or run an event.

  • We will willingly support potential leaders, please make contact with any questions, ideas or suggestions. Even if you can't carry it forward, maybe we know someone who can.
  • A variety of leaders with different interests helps to keep the group fresh and alive.
  • Outdoor themed events such as trade shows or exhibitions add variety.
  • It's our group, now make it yours.

Group co-ordinator:

The role of Group Co-ordinator is now vacant. Please use the message form below or email [email protected] if you might be interested to help to co-ordinate the group in future.

Note: To receive bulk emails from us (or any other GOC group) members need to enable the selection within My GOC - preferences and hit the update button.

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Ready for another adventure?

Contact the Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and North Somerset group co-ordinator

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