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Members: 296

Thanks for visiting the GOC Gardens Group page. This group provides a platform to arrange events for plant lovers and garden enthusiasts. New members always welcome.

The group was formed in the Spring of 2023 and since then we have had numerous very successful events across the country, as the reports below show. We are very grateful to all those who have arranged activities and provided such pleasure to attendees.  We have been to some stunning places and meeting others with a shared passion for gardening has been great. Conversation has flowed easily as people discuss what they are looking at and share their knowledge. Refreshments at the end of the visit are also a very important part of any trip!

The continued success of the group is down to its members and that includes you! If you want to visit a garden/plant fair/horticultural show or similar, and would like some company, please consider putting it on here as an event so others can join you. The National Garden Scheme, as well as the National Trust, RHS Gardens and privately owned gardens of note, are always popular choices. But there are lots of other options that may be of interest, such as trips to specialist nurseries or talks by renowned horticulturalists. If organising a visit really is not your thing, please support the group by attending some events. Bring a friend too if you wish, or encourage them to sign up for a free four month trial membership

Neil, the Gardens Group co-ordinator is on hand to provide support and guidance on arranging and promoting events. His e-mail is [email protected].  Please also liaise with the local GOC Group Co-Ordinator(s) in the area(s)s where your event is happening, to minimise any impact on other GOC activities nearby.

Thanks for reading this far. Hopefully see you on one of our trips before long – details of forthcoming events are below.

Best wishes

Neil Barry

GOC Garden’s Group Co-Ordinator.

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